LBGTQ+ Panel Discussion

As part of Pride month, we will have the opportunity after service this Sunday to hear from a panel of people who identify as LGBTQ+. The panel, sponsored by our Justice and Witness team, will

deepen our understanding of, and create empathy for people in our community who face bias, fear and discrimination. Our panelists will be sharing their personal experiences and stories about growing up and coming out. Two Our Whole Lives facilitators, Judie Holt-Mohar and Elaine Thompson will be facilitating.

Elaine says, “If you have been wondering or are confused about the concepts of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, this is for you. Many of us have friends, relatives or acquaintances who identify somewhere on the continuum of LGBTQ+. This is a rare opportunity to hear stories which will broaden your understanding and create connections. We hope you can join us.”

The session will be in the Fireside Room from Noon to 1:30 p.m.

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