No Worship Service Sunday, November 3rd.

We’re away for the All Church Retreat at Camp Adams!

Reminder: Riverside’s Sanctuary will be closed for maintenance November 1-8. 

Livestream: YouTubeLink

Bulletin: Pentecost 23-All Saints


“Nourish Yourself with Art”

will feature an RCC member sharing their art followed by an opportunity for participants to do hands-on artwork.  This option is on a drop-in basis, is free to attend and open to all ages.  Please sign-up in advance so we know how many are coming for dinner and for childcare needs. Registration can be made by contacting Dana Pricher at dana.pricher@gmail.comor sign up here.Looking for other ways to connect? This web site provides information about youth programs, adult education, volunteer opportunities, and numerous other ways to be part of this community of faith. No experience required!

Who We Are

For more than 100 years Riverside Community Church, United Church of Christ, has shared the extravagant love of God in the Columbia River Gorge.

We are a Christian community of faith that is spiritually alive, intellectually curious and open to fresh movements of the Spirit.

We believe that God is still speaking and, as followers of Jesus, we seek to listen and respond. In the ways of

 Jesus, we love our neighbors and seek justice for the whole of creation. All who seek to know the living God are welcome in this place!

We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation, affirming the full inclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons (LGBTQ+) in the church’s life and ministry.

We are an “Immigrant Welcoming” congregation, called by our faith to stand together with our undocumented and documented immigrants brothers, sisters and their families.

We seek to honor and protect the gifts of God’s creation, divesting our financial resources from the fossil fuel industry, reinvesting in renewable energy and striving to reduce our use of fossil fuels.

Riverside is one of the more than 5,000 communities of faith that make up the United Church of Christ (UCC). The UCC has been on the cutting edge of justice movements in the U.S. since its work to abolish slavery in the 1800’s.


Office Hours | Tues – Fri 10 AM – 2 PM | Office email | Pastor Vicky Stifter | 541.386.141