Adult Education

At Riverside, we seek to provide a place of spiritual exploration, transformation  and nurture for those of all ages.

We embrace questions and honor a diversity of spiritual journeys as we strive, with God’s grace,  to live as followers of Jesus.

Tuesday mornings, 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.: Those looking for connection and spiritual nurture are invited to join Pastor Vicky and other Riverside friends for a meaningful time of reflection and Bible study. When we can gather together in person, this study is held at Down Manor and is open to all. Currently, it meets via Zoom. Please contact Pastor Vicky if you would like to receive the Zoom link.

Sunday Morning Class: When we can meet together in person again, please join Pastor Vicky at 9 a.m. on Sundays for an adult education class. The subject changes about every six weeks. Recent subjects have included: “The Prodigal Species Comes Home,” a study with eco-theologian Michael Dowd, and “Opening to the Spirit: Conversations that Matter.” Currently, as we cannot meet together, this class is temporarily suspended, but will resume when possible.


Michael Dowd, teaching in the Riverview Room