Tag: outdoor

Into the Sacred Wild

Into the Sacred Wild

Deepening our Connection to the Natural World. Gathering outdoors for spiritual nourishment, exploration and connection. Every Wednesday in August from 5:30 – 6:30pm. Open to those of all ages and spiritual paths. Bring your own chair or blanket and water. No restrooms available.

August 2 & 9 – Wilson Park, 2nd & May Street

August 16 & 23 – West Stonegate Park, Hood River

August 30 – 3413 Brookside Drive, Hood River

* Optional – You’re welcome to bring your own picnic supper to enjoy after the gatherings.

Outdoor Worship at Marina Park

Outdoor Worship at Marina Park

Join us as we gather with friends and community members from  Bethel of White Salmon and the Unitarian Universalists at Marina Park in Hood River. Readings, poetry and more will be offered. Children’s activities.

Please bring chairs for seating and/or a blanket. We will enjoy a potluck following the service. Please bring an item to share and serving utensils.