Lighting the Way Capital Campaign
This campaign has been three years in the making, as we combed through our historic building and created a Capital Improvement Plan, crafted a strategic plan, re-wrote a decades-old mission statement, and set two mission priorities.
Let us make a case for this exciting, three-year endeavor.
You can read about where we’ve been, and where we’re going right here.
Why Give
While we love our church, it suffers from years of deferred maintenance, as we put off big-ticket items such as the roof, new heating and cooling and basic repairs to masonry, stain glass windows, flooring and paint. Our many months of strategic planning led us to agree that staying right here on State Street is the best way to carry out our mission.
But time is slipping away. We need to prepare Riverside for the future.
We know that our campaign goal of $800,000 is a big number, but with the generosity of our congregation and broader community, and the love we all have for Riverside, we believe it’s achievable. It will take all of us.
You can read Ways to Give to LTW right here.
And here is a FAQ document – Ways to Give to LTW that covers (we hope!) every question you might have.
You can see a commitment sheet right here.
Print it, fill it out and return it to Riverside Lighting the Way Capital Campaign, PO Box 656, Hood River, Oregon 97031. If you want to give by bank transfer or credit card, you can do it right now, right here at our website. Just click here.
Here’s a brochure that lays out our plan, and how you can help.
If you want to speak to a real, live human on our Capital Campaign Committee, you will find contacts right in this document. We are happy to talk about the campaign and why we love Riverside.